Blog Archives

Post Bloganuary 2024 Greetings

I wanted to post and say hello to all of the new followers I’ve gotten on here as a result of Bloganuary 2024. Thank you so much for reading and subscribing to my blog!

A little about myself: I’m a 30-something who works in media and currently lives in Washington, D.C. I’ve been a writer since I was young, with my focus mostly being nonfiction, though I have dabbled in some fanfiction. I’ve been on WordPress for almost a dozen years, having started my first blog in 2012 where I review books and that I still post on to this day.

This particular blog began in 2014 as a free write one. The posts on here are more sporadic and laid back, balancing out the more structured posts on my book blog and travel blog. The links to those ones will be below. Again, thanks to everyone for taking the time to read my writing!

Books By Betsy:

Experiencing England:

England Epilogues:

What’s the thing I’m most scared to do? What would it take to get me to do it? (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 31)

I used to be scared of any kind of change. I think it stemmed some huge changes I experienced in my early life, changing pretty much everything. As a response, I resisted against any suggestion of doing things differently, wanting to have control of the rest of my life. That’s obviously not realistic, but my seven-year-old self couldn’t grasp that. As I grew, I gained a better understanding of what I could and couldn’t control in my life.

There are times where that fear of change has come up. Moving to the big city almost a decade ago was a huge adjustment from my small town lifestyle, but I’ve learned so much about the world and myself throughout the years. Quarantine was an ultimate test as everyday life literally stopped, but knowing that everyone else was going through similar experiences helped calm the anxiety. I still have times when I experience that fear, but I’m able to keep myself from spiraling, most of the time.

What do you complain about the most? (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 30)

The cost of living. Yes, life in the city is expensive, but it seems to have somehow gotten more pricey over the past couple of years, thanks to inflation and other factors.

I’ve been trying to be better about budgeting this year. I typically only go out for lunch once a week and also get takeout for dinner once a week. Cooking more at home usually works well because I can have leftovers for lunch or dinner later in the week. Trips within the city have been on public transportation versus spending more money on a rideshare. When meeting up with friends, most of who’ve also been trying to save more, we’ve gone to happy hours, gotten hot chocolate or dessert, or just hung out at each other’s places. Once the weather gets warmer again, I’ll be taking advantage of going for walks with friends, enjoying the exercise and also the chance to socialize.

What are my favorite sports to watch and play? (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 29)

I was somewhat of an athlete growing up, dabbling in about five different sports over the years. I viewed them more as a source of socialization and fitness versus actually enjoying playing. As I got older, I gravitated more towards the arts, drawn towards the creativity and imagination of theatre and music.

Tennis is one of the sports I enjoy playing because of its simplicity. I used to hit tennis balls around for fun when I was younger, and playing in high school I didn’t feel the pressure of trying to score points like on a baseball or soccer field. When I first came to D.C., I used to play with some friends on the weekends, although I haven’t since pre-pandemic. I’m hoping to get back into it once the weather gets warmer.

In terms of watching, I like basketball because I’m able to follow it pretty well, having played a little in middle school. My university also had a team whose games we’d go to since there wasn’t much else to do. I also like how there’s constant back-and-forth action, keeping me interested in the game.

What if I won the lottery? (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 28)

I feel like this is a question almost everyone has considered at some point. Over the years, a few birthday and holiday presents included scratch-off lottery tickets. I think the most I won from those was $10?

If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is pay off my student loans. Doing that and having extra money would help me be able to do so much more than what I currently do. I could afford a car and be able to travel to more places. Those reasons might sound selfish, but having more resources would also enable me to be able to give back more in terms of volunteering. I’d be able to drive to places that are hard to get to by public transportation, or drop off donations to different places. Maybe I’d even be able to foster animals, something I’d wanted to do for awhile. There are a lot of possibilities.

Books that I want to read (Bloganuary 2024 -Day 27)

I’ve been an avid reader my entire life, typically swaying towards fiction, thrillers, mysteries and some romance novels. My love of reading is the basis for my book review blog that I’ve kept since 2012.

Despite loving books, I haven’t read much of “classic” literature, like Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, or J.R.R. Tolkein, with a few exceptions, like To Kill a Mockingbird, although that was for my ninth grade English class. That might’ve been the reason why I wasn’t drawn to that genre, associating them with school project requirements versus reading them for my own pleasure. I’ve been out of school for over 10 years now, so maybe I’ll give the classics a try. If anyone has any recommendations, feel free to comment them!

Favorite family traditions (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 26)

Four members of my extended family had birthdays in the same month. Since we all lived so close to each other, we’d all go to my grandparents’ house and have a joint birthday party every year. It was the same with most holidays and other events throughout the year. I relish those memories, because I realize how lucky I am to have lived so close to family members from both sides. Instead of having to make cross-country treks to see them a few times a year, most of them were a mere 20-minute drive down the road. Most of us have moved to different parts of the country now, but I cherish the connections I still have with them.

What do I enjoy doing most in my leisure time? (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 25)

It’s interesting to look back and see how my hobbies have evolved over the years. When I was growing up, leisure time usually consisted of watching my brother play video games, reading or going on dog walks or bike rides with my family. At college, I enjoyed going to the movies with my friends, attending events on campus or going out to eat, as there wasn’t a lot to do in my small college town.

Life in D.C. is entirely different, as I have so many opportunities and more time for myself. One thing I enjoy doing is yoga. I usually go to the gym about twice a week to keep myself in shape through cardio and strength training, and yoga balances out the intensity of those workouts. The practices forces you to have both a mental and physical presence, and following the teacher’s instructions helps empty my head of any thoughts I’ve been having. Since starting it a year ago, I’ve noticed a difference in my overall well-being, gaining more self-awareness and better control of my anxiety. It’s become one of my favorite activities to do in my spare time, and I intend to keep going.

A town close to home that I have yet to visit (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 24)

Most people know New York State because of New York City. I’m somewhat grateful because pretty much everyone all over the world has at least heard of my home state. But New York State itself is full of history other than boasting the most populus city in the country.

I grew up in the Western New York region surrounded by extended family. I’ve been to plenty of historical sites around there, like the Erie Canal, Seneca Falls, Lake Ontario and other attractions. But I never got the chance to visit Albany, the state capital. My middle school used to do a class trip there for one of the grades, but it stopped by the time I reached that year. I did get to finally go to New York City at age 13, but Albany remains a city I have yet to see. I consider this ironic since I’ve lived in the nation’s capital for almost a decade now. But maybe 2024 will be the year that I finally check it out the next time I’m up there…

Five Things I Do For Fun (Bloganuary 2024 – Day 23)

Write: I write as part of my job, but I also write for fun. It’s been one of my creative outlets since I was a teenager. Journaling helps me process my experiences – getting stuff down on paper and out of my head makes a difference. Writing on here helps me share my thoughts and ideas with others out there, and I get to read other people’s writings and ideas and gain new perspectives.

Walk: I grew up going on dog walks with my family, and I’ve always loved the versatility of walks. It’s something you can do just about anywhere and with anyone. I gained a new appreciation for it during the peak of quarantine, being able to walk outside and with other people, turning it into a form of exercise and socializing. I’m lucky to live in a walkable neighborhood close to a lot of interesting sites and places.

Yoga: I first learned yoga as a teenager and did it on and off through college. I picked it back up a year ago and now go about 1-2 times a week. I like that the focus is both mental and physical, as it helps me decompress from long days, especially after sitting in a chair for hours at a time. It’s helped me become more aware of my body and improve my overall fitness.

Embroider: I come from a line of seamstresses, but I never got into using a mechanical sewing machine. Instead, I enjoy the simplicity of cross-stitching designs on fabric. It’s a skill I learned when I was younger and picked back up during the pandemic, needing something else to stimulate and sooth my mind other than staring at screens.

Read: Yes, I love to read. I’ve read hundreds of books and stories throughout my life. I’ve been made fun of for it sometimes, but I believe that reading so much has helped me develop more empathy and understanding for people out there. It can open one’s mind into opportunities and possibilities.